
standards will provide an important condition

Related articles: For example, in September 2007, around the country and nephrite prices suddenly rose sharply, sudden and nephrite supply, and this rise is suspected human hoarding due. This was worth the price too sharply pulled may be the direct cause of the beginning of the year and of Hetian price upside fatigue. Jade expert for many antique after years of skyrocketing gradually return to rational, which is an inevitable result of market development, and nephrite is no exception. Course, could be facing and nephrite 'Mr. Song Analysis: shuffle 'Harmonization of standards will provide an important condition for the development and of nephrite future market.

from the surface into a finishing period, after continuous rapid doubling up and nephrite. But in fact, the Jade Market is happening is unprecedented in the history of structural adjustment. Qinghai jade with Russian jade Over the years, it has been developed from quantitative to qualitative change, to change the pattern of jade market. standard is the most important and the nephrite market confusion and volatility often because the standard is unclear and nephrite. GB, the official title of the Qinghai jade and nephrite, with the naked eye is difficult to Xinjiang and nephrite, and other origin jade distinction. History and nephrite precious not only to the material, quality-based, in rare basis.

In modern mining conditions, a large number of domestic and nephrite produced abroad and nephrite found and continue to enter the domestic market have shaken its rarity. With similar and nephrite agate, agate was once a noble, but when the mineral is found with extractive agate become a very cheap material, five yuan a bunch of bracelets, crystal like, Hotan Jade may step Crystal, agate footsteps.

